I hope you are doing well! I feel like things are looking up! Vacinnes are being rolled out, the weather is improving and the air smells like lilacs! Obviously, I’ve had a good morning! Had a lovely walk with the dog, in which he behaved, the sun was shining when I wrote this and it felt like summer. I got a sneaky little sunburn the other day when I stopped to chat with someone. This time of year is special, when you have just put away the winter things, just exposed your white shoulders to the sun and turned a tiny bit pink.
I have been making a new smoothie lately and I gotta say, I’m a fan! I use:
- one scoop of protein powder
- one cup of coffee
- one banana
- handfull of ice
- 2 tsp cocoa
- 2 medjool dates
It’s so good! Today I didn’t use decaf and I cannot type fast enough!!! So many typos! Uh oh!
I am a bit wound up this week. I was doing that tapping thing you do when you tap one fingertip after the other rhythmically. Is there a name for that? Anyway, I was tapping away on my chair the other day and my student asked what I was doing. I guess it sounded different on the chair, because heaven knows she has heard me do it before. It’s my clue for her to hurry up! LOL Anyway, she brought me back to the present. My head was buzzing with all the things I need to do, but at that time all I needed to do was be present with her. I took some deep breaths and reminded myself that there is no sense worring about the other things, the things that I would do later, it was just sucking my energy and not allowing me to just be. Students are good at keeping you in the moment!
In science news (and in keeping with my finger discussion)… the brain’s plasticity is proven yet again in this article about prosthetic “third thumb” Click here to read
In “Am I certifiable?” news… I saw a woman the other day who I know is my kindred spirit! I really should have gone over and introduced myself. She was organizing the carts in the cart shelter at Wal-mart! I am not alone!! Does this drive you crazy too? I have to reorganize them when I see that people have not followed the SIMPLE COLOUR CODED HANDLES! This is NOT ROCKET SCIENCE PEOPLE! Do people just not notice this? Are they blind? Are they wandering through life oblivious to order and stackabliity?? Or do they just not care? ๐ For crying out loud! For my sanity and for the sanity of that lady I saw, just line them up with the similar cart!!! Thank you. Rant over.
In “diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” news… Pandora, the jewelry maker, is moving to sustainable lab-made diamonds. Read more here.
I am almost done recovering dining chairs for the cottage. I have one half a chair to go! DIY post coming soon! I am also almost done a faux finish DIY at the cottage and that will also be posted soon!
Did you see my tip on instagram on how to tie a bow properly, so it stays horizontal? If not click here
Have a great weekend everyone! Stay safe and for the love of God, if you use a cart while shopping this weekend, line the darn cart up with its match. Thank you!
Patricia Farmer says
Callie I can’t agree more re: carts. That drives me crazy too. I find I re-arrange some of them when I leave my own cart. I afraid it just seems that some people don’t care. Sorry to say. Anyway, one step at a time Callie you can do anything but it takes time. love Patti xoxo